2nd July 2011 2011 is the 100th anniversary of the formation of the 2nd Didsbury scout group. to celebrate this occasion we held a fun day for the present members followed by a reunion and buffet for passed members. It is hoped to have a fuller report and some photos soon. |
Pike View Hike 2011
14 May
![]() Wining team; Andrew Hartley, Max Howe, Elizabeth Lowe, Sam Michael, their leader was Kevin |
Well done Cubs This year we entered 2 cub teams and the scouts didn't enter. The cubs entered the Pipper Hartly memorial hike and did extremely well winning and the second team coming 3rd. |
![]() 3rd placed team; Domonic Paul, Jessica Kaye, Isobel Moss, Joseph Fullwood, their leader was Ben |
Summer camp 2010
We held summer camp at Kandersteg in Switzerland again this year, our 5th visit,
7 - 20 August 2010
July 17th 2010 Jessica Moss wins 1st prize in Oxfam poetry competition read more....... |
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June 2010
Rowena Kidd is presented with her Wood badge by our DC Ian Carrie Although Rowena completed her wood badge a good time ago she was finaly presented with it at the 2010 AGM.
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Darrel Lowe was presented with his Gold Cheif scout's award at the AGM. |
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Beaver Section opens a second colony
At the start of the new summer term in 2010 we started a second colony on a Wednesday both colonies will be restricted to 15 in each.
Well done. Our scout team comes joint second in the Pike view Hike. April 25th 2009. More..... |
Well done to Alex Kidd, Sam Bolton, Dan Mizrahi, Arun Flynn, Ed Whitmore & Nick Fryman. Who are to be presented with their Gold Chief Scouts award certificates at the county presentation evening on 23 April. All six were in our troop and are now active members of the Didsbury Viking Explorer scout unit.
Kevin Lowe Gains his Wood Badge Kevin was presented with his wood badge by our DC of 20th November 08, well done Kevin. He would have been gained it sooner but it has taken 5 years to get his appointment card issued. He was presented with his appointment card and 5 years service badge together, 3 weeks earlier. |
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Silver Chief Scouts Congratulations to Cub scout Adam Quinn,who was presented with his award by Ian Carey our DC, 20th Nov. |
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Diamond Chief Scouts award
Congratulations to Ben Bowen, David Knowls and Rowan Ellwood on gaining there Diamond award, they were all with our group before moving to the district explorer unit.
Gold Chief scouts award
Well done to Josh Kidd who has gained his Gold Chief scouts award the first scout in the group to do so for over 10 years.
Jamboree July / August 2007
4 members of the explorers attended the world scout jamboree, they were Ben Bowen, David Knowlws, Josh Goulding and Tom Taylor.
Keith & Helen Hampson were part of the Off site team at Gilwell Adventure.
The scout section; Even & Rowena along with 12 scouts spent 4 days in London and attended the Jamboree on one of the days
We are proud to announce these leaders / instructors have gained the following
awards during 2007
Hele Hampson The Medal of Merit
Sue Sunderland The Medal of Merit
Mike Ney The Medal of Merit
Sue Bullied Chief Scout's Commendation for Good Service
Phil Gunhouse Chief Scout's Commendation for Good Service
Paul Good Chief Scout's Commendation for Good Service
Well Done.
July 2006
It is with deep sadness that we record the death of our group president Anne Lole, she died on 27th July after many years of battling with Leukaemia. Anne was a dependable and enthusiastic supporter of the group and will be greatly missed.
March 2005
Keith Hampson is awarded a silver acorn for his services to scouting.
Sept 2004
Roger Short is awarded a medal of merit for his long service to the group.
David Leitch is awarded a Chief scouts commendation for his services to the group
June 2004
Anne Lole Retires
She was presented with a rose called thank you by David Leitch our group Chairman.. Thanks Anne |
5th Jan 2004
Nellie Woodhall.
It is with sadness that we record the death of Nellie Woodhall, she died on the 5th Jan 2004 at the age of 87. Nellie was a life long supporter of the group, she was still running Whist Drives until her health made her hand over to a younger player four years ago. Her enthusiasum and dedication will be missed.
Jan 2004
MetroLink put compulsory purchase on part of our leased land.
Their plan does not show our Garage or the main hall extension and the line goes through both. It is the broken blue line on the plan.
November 2003
Roger and his team put on their best ever display , they just get better and better. There were close on 2000 people at the event. Improvement will be made for next year to accommodate the increased number attending.
November 2002.
Fire work display promotion in local paper. Can you spot the deliberate mistake?
We had another successful event thanks to Roger Short and his team.
New neckerchief.
From September 2001
The group necker has changed from the gold to burgundy with a gold boarder. The group necker before it's 1968 amalgamation with 218th was burgundy, so it was decided to combine the new and old to produce a more distinctive one. I hope you agree it is much smarter.
Annual General Meeting
The Annual General Meeting of the Group will be held in the Lodge at 7pm on Thursday, 24th May 2001. Immediately prior to this, there will be a ceremonial planting in the garden in memory of the late Ben Davies who gave many years of devoted service to the Group. Please come early to attend this memorial event.
The Agenda for the Annual General Meeting is as follows:
Please bring this agenda to the meeting. None will be issued on the night.
Didsbury Festival
Didsbury Festival this year is on Saturday, 19th May, in Didsbury Park. As usual, the Group will have the famed "Gourmet Burger Stall" in full production. Although the formal part of the festival does not start until 1pm, a lot of preparation is needed to meet this deadline. We shall meet at the Lodge at 10am to load the trailers with equipment to take to the park, where we shall set out our (large) stall. This involves erecting tents, tables, barbecues, safety ropes etc. etc. Please come to lend a hand.
We need to light the barbecues by around 11.30 and start selling less than an hour later. This involves cooking, serving and selling 600 items of food, plus soft drinks. As you will appreciate this is very labour intensive. The more people who can help, the less is the burden on each individual. In particular, relief teams are needed for cooking and selling. At the end, of course, it all needs to be dismantled and taken back to the Lodge. Please try to give an hour or so during the afternoon it makes all the difference.
This is the first issue also to be sent by e-mail. If, in future, you would prefer to receive a copy electronically, please send your e-mail address to david@leitch.u-net.com.