Annual Report 2021
Treasures report
What a year that was. Despite being closed for almost all of the year and stopping subs the Group ran at a surplus with grants from Manchester City Council and generous donations from parents offsetting the fall off in subs we experienced. Works to improve the hut were completed in the year which the members are benefitting from now we have reopened for meetings
Chair / GSL’s report
The scout association hold our lease in trust, we have completed all the paperwork and we understand that, the Scout Association has signed their part of the lease and it is now with the council to sign their part, it has been with the council all lockdown where we assume it still is. Our solicitor that is dealing with it is still dealing with it and trying to get a signed copy from both parties.
Building work
All the building work has been completed. But now we need new frame and hidges on the hall external double door and all the external wall panels need sealing were they join.
We still need more leaders, in all sections now, as although some sections on paper look to have a good number they are all not able to turn up every week due to their work commitments often leaving the section with the minimum leader operating ratio which is not desirable. Additionaly Rolando will be moving to Colwyn Bay in November and Gemma next summer. A number of existing leaders are helping at two section meetings, which is not ideal.
The garden is looking better than ever, the garden was judged as part of the Didsbury in bloom . We do not know the results yet. A big thank you to Helen Hampson and Rosemary Fielding for all the work they put in throughout the year to keep it looking so good.
Brian Cosgrove, Claire Lydon, Matthew Cameron and Kevin Lowe were awarded the Award for Merit.
Alastair Turner, Rolando Johnston and Matthew Rushton were awarded the Chief Scouts commendation for good service.
Many thanks, to all our leaders and supporters, who are all volunteers. Well done.
Keith Hampson Chris Pearse
Group scout Leader Chair
Beaver report
We currently have 28 on the waiting list having just taken 12 children off it to start in the Beaver section. The year has been difficult for the beavers and leaders as the beavers found it difficult to interact on zoom. We started back face to face in June by only having half the children indoors at any one time. Three weeks before the end of term we were able to combine the two nightly sessions onto one night. We all found it difficult as there were so many new children. We did try to catch up with badge work but again this was difficult so only one child was able to gain their bronze chief scout award, which is the highest in beavers. As yet we haven’t organised any outside activities as we don’t want to postpone any planned activity if there is an upturn of cases of covid.
We are struggling for leaders and Al has changed to help on a Wednesday night so that we have 2 registered leaders on each night. Claire and I run a Tuesday. Al and I run a Wednesday. Rowan will hopefully be back with us in November but he is unable to help each Wednesday. Harshad has been unable to volunteer due to work commitments but we hope that he will be back in January. We also have 3 young leaders who help us run the evening, Junyad, Felix and Teresa. We are running a parent rota for each night so that we have enough assistance to run our programme.
Thank you to all my leaders and the parents who are able to help out on a rota.
Helen Hampson
Assistant Group Scout Leader for Beavers
Cub report
Saxons = 104 badges in total awarded / 2 Silver Scout award. 36 Cubs, 2 Leaders. 1 Young Leader
Celts = 0 Badges in total awarded. 33 Cubs, 3 Leader, 1 Young Leader
Last year was zoom zoom and more zoom, despite the constraints faced by the Section under Covid we still managed to get over 100 badges covered and two of our cubs were proudly presented with Silver Scouts Awards. Not to mention a number of District badges under the “At home” Scheme that were earned along the way.
Claire Lydon (Celts, Monday cubs)
Rolando Johnston (Saxons, Thursday cubs)
Scout report
Throughout the various lockdowns, Phoenix troop kept going, Zoom meetings included online escape rooms, cooking at home and an attempt at a video campfire. Since the summer term, Phoenix leaders also accommodated Griffin scouts on a Wednesday.
We’ve played games in the park, fire lighting at Abney Hall and a trip to Manchester airport to look at all the different models of planes. Despite it being a very, very tough year, I’d like to thank the scout leaders for going the extra mile to provide some support and fun to our young people.
As for many groups and section around the country the pandemic has brought challenges to the Scout Sections. We are now looking at planning for the return to two sections. We are unfortunately in a position that we do not have enough adult leaders and adult helpers going forward and we are actively trying to increase our leader numbers. We will be encouraging as many parents as possible to help out on either a regular basis or become leaders. Without this help the section may not be able to restart both troops and may need to restrict new members. We have an opportunity to plan ahead, which we are hoping will allow the group to flourish long into the future.
Simon Jermy
Phoenix Scout Leader
DVESU (Didsbury Viking explorer scout unit)
Aly Royle who joined as our unit leader just before Christmas 2020 Moved away from the area in the Spring.
- 27 Explorers
- Gemma White is the new Explorer leader supported by Keith, Matthew and Rolando
- 37 badges have been awarded
- Special mention to Frida for achieving the Platinum Award
- Special mention to Jessica for achieving the Platinum Award
- Rohit for achieving the Diamond Award, Silver DofE & Young Leader Belt
- We’ve spent the majority of the year bringing the team back together and getting ready to start working on all the badges
- 2 camps coming up in the next few months
- YL training planned for a couple of weeks time
Gemma White
Explorer scout leader